Albert-Einstein-Strasse 6
D-87437 Kempten
Bundesrepublik Deutschland/Federal Republic of Germany
Telephone +49 (831) 254369-20
Telefax +49 (831) 5645328
E-Mail info@contemplas.com
Internet www.contemplas.com
CEO Stefan Klippel and Thomas Seeholzer
Registry court Amtsgericht Kempten
Company registry number Kempten HRB 8828
Tax ID number (§27a UStG) DE 24174911
TEMPLO: Gait analysis
The gait and running analysis module is the most complex module. It is based upon the general motion analysis product...
moreTEMPLO: General motion analysis
The general motion analysis module is the basic module of the TEMPLO-software. With this software any movement...
moreTEMPLO: Motion Analysis
CONTEMPLAS offers with their TEMPLO software a video analysis system for the fields of medicine, sports, sciences,...